Contact Marie
You are welcome to email Marie with comments or questions. Because the
Web is crawled by robots that harvest email addresses and then either
send endless junk mails or sent viruses with the harvested email
address as the sender. So, we've put Marie's email address in a form
you can understand but robots can't (we hope). Her email address is
marie, then the at sign followed by the name of this web site. Thanks
for understanding and for putting up with this awkwardness. Please do write!
About Bob and Marie Harris
Bob and Marie Harris are a husband and wife team seeking to bless
others with the knowledge of great recipes and the wisdom of great
Marie loves
to cook and bake and sample and eat. More than that, she likes to
share. Her enjoyment of cooking and baking over the years were put to
good use when she was responsible for feeding several
families, including her own. Marie loves cookbooks, reading them like
novels, studying them like blueprints. In an idle moment
she can be caught reading and looking through one or more she has
pulled from her personal collection. Marie enjoys experimenting with
recipe variations, and she also likes to link her recipes with real
world taste testing. You can
be sure that the recipes on this Web site have been tested and approved
by Marie personally.
Marie's husband Bob enjoys reading, writing, and thinking about truth
and wisdom, and how we can improve our relationships with others and
with God, the source of
truth and wisdom. Bob taught at the college and university level
for more than 25 years, has written half a dozen books, and more than
1800 Glimmerings--ideas, thoughts, and commentary on the widest array
of subjects. Bob's life verse is John 15:16, "I chose you to bear
fruit, fruit that will last."
You can understand, then, how Marie's interests and her servant's
heart, combined with Bob's interest in sharing ideas and his
philosophical mindset, have combined into the genesis of this Web site,
Virtual Tea Time.
"Now to him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we
ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20), to God be the glory and may his
blessings be on you.
January 16, 2013
V I R T U A L T E A T I M E . C O M
Copyright 2013 by Marie Harris
All Rights Reserved